
Welcome to my blog categories page! My name is Sebastien, and I've made a career out of mastering Salesforce and leading projects to success. Through years of dedication, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences that I'm eager to share with you here. I have categorized my thoughts, insights, and expertise into several key areas to help you navigate through my content efficiently.

  1. Salesforce Solutions: As a seasoned expert in Salesforce, I've worked with all the major Salesforce solutions, including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud, to name a few. Here, I share my insights, tips, and the latest updates to help you leverage these powerful tools in the best way possible.
  2. Project Management: Having managed projects on every continent, I've learned that effective project management is a blend of art and science. In this category, I delve into the nuances of project management, particularly in the context of Salesforce.
  3. Career Coaching: I have a passion for helping individuals navigate the Salesforce world. I share career advice, skills development strategies, and valuable market insights here. I'm your guide to navigating the Salesforce career path.
  4. International Experience: I have had the privilege of living and working in various parts of the world. This category is a testament to those experiences, the cultural nuances I've observed, and the universality of Salesforce solutions.
  5. Personal Development: My philosophy is built on values such as gratitude, self-awareness, and empathy. This section is a reflection of my personal journey and a guide to fostering these values in your own life, both professionally and personally.
  6. Industry Insights: Drawing from my experiences in diverse industries such as Software Development, Consulting, Energy, Retail, Logistics, Tourism, and Healthcare, I provide my insights on the challenges and opportunities in each of these sectors.
  7. Case Studies: I believe in the power of practical examples. In this category, I share detailed stories about the projects I've led, showcasing the problems we faced, the solutions we implemented, and the positive impact we achieved.

Exploring these categories will give you a deeper understanding of my expertise, experiences, and the value I bring to the table. I invite you to delve in, learn, and engage with my content. Let's journey together in this Salesforce world.