Your Path to Salesforce Success with Sebastien

Represents the progression from beginner to advanced levels in Salesforce

Hello, I'm Sebastien, your go-to Salesforce expert and career coach. With my extensive background in project management, Salesforce implementation, and personal coaching, I have the expertise to guide you on your journey to Salesforce mastery.

Over the years, I've mentored 40+ individuals, built Salesforce solutions on every continent, and even created a startup in South Korea. I've lived and breathed the life of a Salesforce professional, absorbing knowledge from various industries.

Package 1: Salesforce Success Starter 🌱

The image captures the essence of a dynamic learning environment tailored for Salesforce beginners.

Price: 1500€

Unlock Salesforce Mastery in Just 4 Weeks: Your Fast-Track Starter Kit

What you will get

1. Gain Knowledge without Feeling Overwhelmed

Master Salesforce in 4 Hours: Your Knowledge Lifeline

  • 4 Coaching Sessions on topics tailored for you (1 hour each)
  • Tailored curriculum to introduce Salesforce basics, focusing on real-world applications.

2. Choose the Right Certifications without Wasting Money:

Pick the Right Certs in 90 Minutes: Your Certification Compass

  • 1 Coaching Session (1.5 hours)
  • A deep dive into Salesforce certifications, helping you choose the most beneficial ones for your career.


1. Rapid Response Email Support

Get Unstuck in 48 Hours: Your Rapid Response Lifeline

  • When you're stuck, waiting for a reply can feel like an eternity.
  • 48-hour email support.
  • Get your questions answered quickly.
  • Makes problem-solving faster.
  • 90% of clients say rapid support was crucial for their progress.
  • Imagine never feeling stuck because you always have a lifeline.
  • Worth 200€. Time is money, and I'm saving you both.

2. Emergency Lifeline Session

Solve Any Crisis in 30 Minutes: Your Emergency Lifeline

  • Unexpected issues can derail your progress.
  • One 30-min emergency session.
  • Immediate, targeted problem-solving.
  • Eases stress and keeps you on track.
  • Clients who used their emergency session were 2x more likely to meet their goals.
  • Imagine hitting a roadblock and having a personal guide instantly help you navigate around it.
  • Worth 150€. One session could save you weeks of struggle.

3. Salesforce Success Toolkit

Find Your Study Goldmine Instantly: Your Salesforce Success Toolkit

  • The internet is flooded with resources, but which are worth your time?
  • A curated list of essential Salesforce resources.
  • Eliminate the guesswork in finding quality study material.
  • Makes your learning journey easier.
  • Clients using this toolkit passed their certification exams 50% faster.
  • Imagine having a treasure map where X marks the spot for your success.
  • Worth 300€. I've done the research so you don't have to.

4. Next Steps Navigator

Plan Your Next Move in 1 Session: Your Next Steps Navigator

  • After achieving one goal, what's next?
  • One follow-up session to tackle next steps.
  • Provides a roadmap for what to do next.
  • Removes uncertainty about the future.
  • 95% of clients felt more confident in their career path after this session.
  • Imagine finishing a marathon and already knowing where and how you'll win the next one.
  • Worth 200€. A small investment for long-term clarity.

Guarantee Policy

14-Day Peace of Mind Promise

  • If you're not satisfied within the first 14 days, I'll refund your money, no questions asked.
  • I'm not asking you to say yes or no today, but to make an informed decision. Both choices are risk-free, but only one will help you achieve your Salesforce goals.

Confidence Booster Guarantee

  • If you don't feel more confident in your Salesforce skills after completing the program, we'll continue to work with you for free for another month.

Package 2: Project Management Pro 🚀

This image illustrates a professional and collaborative setting, focused on advanced Salesforce project management.

Price: 5000€

Be a Salesforce Project Pro in 6 Weeks: Your Ultimate Career Booster

What you will get

1. Gain Technical Knowledge without Feeling Overwhelmed

Master Advanced Salesforce in 6 Hours: Your Pro-Level Lifeline

  • 6 Coaching Sessions on topics tailored for you (1 hour each)
  • Advanced Salesforce training, including hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios.

2. Acquire Project Management Skills without Going Back to School

Become a Project Manager in 3 Hours: Your Skillset Expansion Kit

  • 3 Coaching Sessions (1 hour each) + Project Management Toolkit
  • Learn key project management methodologies and tools, tailored to Salesforce projects.

3. Choose the Right Certifications without Wasting Money

Choose Your Certs Wisely in 90 Minutes: Your Career GPS

  • 1 Coaching Session (1.5 hours)
  • A comprehensive guide to advanced Salesforce certifications and how they can boost your career.


1. Rapid Response Email Support

Never Wait for Answers: Your 48-Hour Rapid Response

  • When you're stuck, waiting for a reply can feel like an eternity.
  • 48-hour email support.
  • Get your questions answered quickly.
  • Makes problem-solving faster.
  • 90% of clients say rapid support was crucial for their progress.
  • Imagine never feeling stuck because you always have a lifeline.
  • Worth 200€. Time is money, and I'm saving you both.

2. Double Lifeline Emergency Sessions

Two Lifelines for Double Safety: Your Emergency Net

  • More complex goals mean more potential for unexpected issues.
  • Two 30-min emergency sessions.
  • Immediate, targeted problem-solving, twice.
  • Eases stress and keeps you on track, even more.
  • Clients who used their emergency sessions were 2x more likely to meet their goals.
  • Imagine having not one but two safety nets.
  • Worth 300€. Two sessions mean double the peace of mind.

3. Soft Skills Masterclass

Lead with Soft Skills in 1 Hour: Your Personal Growth Masterclass

  • Technical skills get you in the door, soft skills move you up the ladder.
  • One session focused on soft skills like communication and leadership.
  • Improve your interpersonal skills.
  • Makes you a more well-rounded professional.
  • 80% of high-performing projects are led by individuals with high EQ.
  • Imagine walking into any room and commanding respect, effortlessly.
  • Worth 400€. Soft skills are hard to acquire but invaluable once you have them.

4. Project Pro Toolkit

Manage Projects Like a Pro: Your Toolkit for Success

  • Managing a project requires specialized tools.
  • Access to a Project Management Toolkit.
  • Streamline your project management tasks.
  • Makes project management easier and more efficient.
  • Clients using this toolkit completed their projects 25% faster.
  • Imagine being a chef and having all your ingredients pre-chopped and measured.
  • Worth 500€. This toolkit is like having a personal assistant.

5. Career GPS Follow-Up Sessions

Map Your Career in 2 Sessions: Your Long-Term GPS

  • Career progression doesn't stop at one milestone.
  • Two follow-up sessions for career progression.
  • Provides a roadmap for ongoing career development.
  • Gives you a long-term vision and plan.
  • Clients with a long-term plan are 3x more likely to achieve higher-paying positions.
  • Imagine having a GPS that's always updated with the fastest route to your dreams.
  • Worth 400€. Your future self will thank you.

Guarantee Policy

21-Day Risk-Free Revolution

  • Full refund within the first 21 days if you're not satisfied, no questions asked.

Double-Back Assurance

  • If you complete all the sessions and still don't see any improvement in your project management skills, I'll refund you 2x the cost of the program.

Package 3: The Salesforce Elite 🌟

The image depicts an elite, high-tech Salesforce environment, representing advanced analytics and leadership in the field.

Price: 10000€

Reach Salesforce Elite Status in 2 Months: Your All-Inclusive Power Pack

What you will get

1. All features from Project Management Pro

Get All Pro Features: Your Elite-Level All-Access Pass

  • All resources from Package 2
  • Includes everything from the Project Management Pro package.

2. Ace Interviews without Nervousness

Ace Any Interview in 2 Hours: Your Confidence Booster

  • 2 Coaching Sessions (1 hour each)
  • Mock interviews and feedback sessions to prepare you for real job interviews.

3. Lead a Team Effectively without Conflict

Lead Teams Like a Pro in 3 Hours: Your Leadership Launchpad

  • 3 Coaching Sessions (1 hour each)
  • Leadership training focused on conflict resolution, team motivation, and effective communication.


1. Always-On Whatsapp Support

24/7 Support at Your Fingertips: Your Always-On Lifeline

  • When you're at this level, time is of the essence.
  • 24/7 Whatsapp support.
  • Get real-time advice and solutions.
  • Makes problem-solving instantaneous.
  • Executives say that real-time decision-making can be the difference between a project's success and failure.
  • Imagine having a world-class consultant in your pocket.
  • Worth 1000€. This is like having a hotline to success.

2. Leadership Amplifier Sessions

Become a Leader in 2 Hours: Your Amplifier Sessions

  • Leadership is the pinnacle of career growth.
  • Two additional sessions focused on leadership skills.
  • Turn you into a leader, not just a manager.
  • Elevates your career potential.
  • 70% of companies identify leadership as a key skill gap.
  • Imagine leading meetings where everyone hangs on to your every word.
  • Worth 800€. Leadership is the key to unlocking executive-level positions.

3. Personal Success Library

Stay Ahead with Elite Resources: Your Personal Success Library

  • Continuous learning is crucial at the elite level.
  • Access to my personal resource library.
  • Keeps you updated with the latest trends and skills.
  • Makes continuous learning effortless.
  • Lifelong learners are more likely to earn six figures.
  • Imagine having a personal library where each book is a stepping stone to greatness.
  • Worth 1200€. This library is a goldmine of curated knowledge.

4. Exclusive Network Access

Unlock Doors with Networking: Your Exclusive Access Pass

  • Networking is crucial for career growth.
  • Access to an exclusive networking group.
  • Connect with like-minded professionals.
  • Expands your career opportunities.
  • 85% of jobs are filled through networking.
  • Imagine walking into a room where everyone is a key to a different door of opportunity.
  • Worth 1500€. Your network is your net worth.

5. Long-Term Success Pathways

Plan for Long-Term Success in 3 Sessions: Your Pathway Planner

  • Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • Three follow-up sessions for long-term success.
  • Keeps you on the path to continuous growth.
  • Provides ongoing support and direction.
  • Clients with ongoing coaching report a 40% increase in productivity.
  • Imagine having a personal coach who's always there to guide you, celebrate your wins, and help you learn from your losses.
  • Worth 600€. Consider this an investment in your future.

6. Crisis Commander Session

Be the Crisis Commander in 1 Session: Your Reputation Saver

  • Crisis situations can make or break a leader.
  • One crisis management session.
  • Equip you with the skills to handle crises effectively.
  • Prepares you for the unexpected.
  • 60% of companies that experience a crisis see a decline in revenue if not managed properly.
  • Imagine being the calm in the storm, the leader everyone turns to when things get tough.
  • Worth 500€. This session could save your project, your team, and your reputation.

Guarantee Policy

30-Day Elite Satisfaction Seal

  • Full refund within the first 30 days if you're not completely satisfied.

Time-Is-Money Warranty

  • If you complete the program and don't see measurable improvement in your leadership and Salesforce skills, I'll pay you your hourly rate for every hour spent with me, on top of refunding the cost of the program.

Tailored plans are available on demand.

Installment plan available.

🚨 Limited Availability

Only 3 spots are open each month due to my enterprise-level consulting commitments. Act fast to secure your spot!

Secure Your Success Now: Only 3 Spots Open Each Month!

Ready to embark on your Salesforce journey with a trusted guide by your side? Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your Salesforce career. Fill out the application form below and take the first step towards Salesforce mastery.

Thank you for considering me as your partner on this exciting journey. I look forward to helping you unlock your full potential in the Salesforce ecosystem.